Create an Account

What product are you interested in?
Do you want to be on our mailing list?

Thank you!

Your account has been created. Good Job.

Code for the Form Example

<div class="form-item">
  <label for="firstName">First Name</label>
  <input type="text" name="firstName" id="firstName" aria-required="true" aria-invalid="true" 
    placeholder="Enter your first name">
  <button type="button" aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1"></button>
  <div class="error-message">First Name field shoud not be blank</div>

<div class="form-item">
  <fieldset aria-required="true" aria-invalid="false">
    <legend>What product are you interested in?</legend>
      <div class="fieldset-item">
          <input type="checkbox" id="products1" name="products" value="product1">
          <span class="custom-checkbox"></span>
          <label for="products1">Product 1</label>
    <button type="button" aria-hidden="true"></button>
    <div class="error-message">Please choose an option</div> 

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